We are an American family-run foundation on a non-profit fundraising mission in support of African families. Working closely with local community leaders on the ground, we raise money for school lunches and much-needed supplies for impoverished children in Rwanda. We also aim to provide accessible clean water solutions for families in Tanzania by building water distribution channels.
Did you know that many employers will match gifts for employees? Maybe your employer would do the same! Encouraging philanthropy in the office can attract talented individuals who want to work with an employer, and who care about their community and the world. By completing the matching gift form, you may be able to drastically increase the impact of your donation. Thank you for your generosity and support and please let us know if you have any questions.

Testimonials From Parents

Mukamusoni Alphonsine
(Parent of Iradukunda Hyabes)
Thanks to the God and thanks to our supporter Daniel, just may God bless him for volunteering to pay for our children while we were not able to pay for them. I have three children, two of them are studying here at GS Masoro and another one is studying on another school, it was too hard for me to pay for them because their father has some disabilities which stopped him from working, supporting all of them alone was like a burden to me. But now I believe that only our almighty God in heaven can bless Daniel’s holy heart who cared for us, I don’t know how I can express my feelings. Please tell him for us that all parents are thankful, you have done well for us and the kindness of a person is a reason to make him loved, may your kindness be your connection from this world to heaven.

Mukaruziga Genereusse
(Parent of Uwase Thabita)
I am thanking Daniel for this project he thought about, from the first time my daughter attended school, she studied well, but a short time after I was left alone with them as orphans and I was a widow, they were three children and one of them was a baby and the baby was feed by our neighbors who used to bring food. But at this time my daughter is having lunch at school, I am thanking Daniel for his support because I am a widow and poor, so I am saying thanks for how he thought about helping us. May God bless, help and improve his work. We don’t know how we can say thanks to him, only God knows how to thank him for how he thought on supporting those poor and orphans, may God improve his work. Thanks.

Mutuyimana Odette
(Parent of Uwambajimana Beatrice)
I was overjoyed at the first time I heard that someone was going to pay school feeding fees for my daughter, I am single mother who is raising children on my own and only getting income by being labor force in other people’s farming place, and those money are used to provide food other raw materials to support my children. I was always worried about my daughter’s studies for she used to skip the lunch while she even left home without taking breakfast, my heart was heavy for I didn’t believe that she will make it with school with hunger and lessons but now I am very happy and believing that she will be not only performing well at school but also she is going to be more healthier. I would like to thank Daniel McCoy for his humble heart which cares for vulnerable families who are living in poverty, please tell him that he had become a spark that shone the bright future to our children. God bless him, his family and his work, we will be praying for him!